
We transfer the knowledge in sericulture from lab to land and bring in the new technologies collaborating with different research institutions for improvement in production and productivity.

Dedicated passionate pool of young Professionals reach out the poorest pockets of Central India to avail a sustainable income from Tasar sericulture. We develop the capacity of the local youth and nurture their potential to function as resource persons for the community.

We prepare quality Tasar seeds through our Community institutions and supply all over country to different Govt. and Non-govt. institutions for improving Raw silk production.

We partner with different other organizations in the promotion and dissemination of knowledge on Tasar sericulture in different parts of Country.

Promotion of activity groups

We promote Tasar Vikash Simitis (TVS) of 25-30 families who are actively engaged in the Tasar silk worm rearing or reeling or spinning at village level.

We conduct different trainings, exposures, and facilitating experience sharing among the producers which help individual families / producers to adopt best practices, set better standards and create space for mutual learning.


We have a plan of reaching to 25,000 families within coming 5 years with a spread of operation in 5 states in direct mode. We would also collaborate with other NGO partners, state agencies and help them in building their knowledge and capacity in Tasar sericulture.

Our plan is to produce 7 lakhs Basic seed and 2.5 lak nucleus seed and 25 lakhs Commercial seeds per year in coming 5 years.

Human Resources at Grassroots

We place professionals in major production / marketing clusters across the state and engage with different stakeholders to build a shared value chain perspective. In collaboration with the CSB and the State Departments, we orchestrate multi-state initiatives to build bridges across and make best use of the factor conditions for the cause of small and marginal producers.

Presently 21 professionals are engaged in 5 states building knowledge and skills across levels. We identify potential candidates for Skilled Extension Workers from among the producers, impart training and provide on-field guidance to build their expertise in handling domain tasks and take them on board as it plans for expansion in near future. We have prepared more than 350 such Skilled Extension Workers “Community resource persons” engaged at the grassroot level to provide handholding support to the rearers on the improved technologies of Tasar silkworm rearing.

Fostering Community Based Organization

We form second tire Community institutions like Rearer’s co-operatives, Rearer’s Community Trust at each production cluster level in different states which are governed by the member families.

We have two registered rearer’s Co-operatives one in Bihar and one in Jharkhand. We have 3 registered Rearer’s community Trusts two in Jharkhand and one in West Bengal.